Hallmark Star After Risky Surgery: Doctor Will ‘Never Attempt That Again’

Getty Surgeons conduct an operation.

Hallmark star Marcus Rosner opened up on social media about how he underwent a risky surgery after suffering a severe injury to his leg. He said the surgery was so delicate that his surgeon told him later that he wouldn’t do the surgery a second time.

Rosner Said He Tore 2 Hamstring Muscles & Couldn’t Run

In a series of Instagram posts, Rosner opened up to fans about what had been going on in his life this past year. He explained that he had “torn 2 of the primary hamstring muscles from my pelvis and they had retracted down my leg” and the injury occurred in December 2021 at his bachelor party just three weeks before his wedding.

“I wish I could say I tore my leg apart fighting a dragon and not wrestling my best man at my bachelor party but here we are…” he wrote.

Rosner went on to say that he did a lot of rehab work so he could walk down the aisle for his wedding and got to the point where he wasn’t feeling any pain. But his torn hamstrings were originally misdiagnosed as pulled muscles until he got an MRI months later. He said because of the delayed diagnosis, a lot of scar tissue had grown.

“Doctors couldn’t believe it wasn’t more painful and that my day-to-day life was seemingly unaffected. Because of this they wouldn’t do surgery,” he wrote.

He said that even though he could walk, he wasn’t able to run with this injury.

“And to be honest…I hate running – but Ali loves it,” he said about his wife. “I just kept thinking if I have a daughter one day just like her Mum and I couldn’t join her in that passion the way Ali’s Father joins her it would kill me.”

He Needed Donor Tissue & the Surgery Had a Risk of Leaving Him Unable to Use His Leg Normally Again

Rosner continued his Instagram post, writing that the five-hour surgery carried a big risk, in addition to the donor Achilles tendon that he would need.

“…He also warned me that should they accidentally damage the sciatic nerve while cutting away scar tissue then I’d likely never be able to work my leg properly again,” Rosner wrote.

He said the surgeon tried to “talk me out of it a few times,” but he had the surgery on November 16, 2022. After the surgery, when the surgeon saw that he could move his toes, he was glad.

Rosner wrote: “‘Good.’ he said…right before telling me he would never attempt that surgery again.”

Rosner Waited to Talk About the Surgery Because He Didn’t Want to be Seen as ‘Damaged Goods’

In another Instagram post, Rosner said he didn’t talk about the surgery at first because he wanted to make sure he could walk normally again.

“I was afraid to draw attention to this for fear of being seen as damaged goods by our industry (even lost at least one job along the way),” he wrote. “It’s only now that surgery has proven to be successful and I’m nearing full mobility and feeling like myself again that I feel like showing some of this journey over the past few months.”

Cindy Busby replied to his post, writing: “Thanks for sharing buddy! This video is so inspiring! Big hugs to you and Ali 😘🙏✨”

Debbie Gibson wrote, “first off I understand the damaged goods but wanting to be real and vulnerable part so waiting til you got through the worst of it … awesome! … my favorite part of this story is the gratitude you have.”

Jen Lilley wrote, “I love your huge heart, your transparency, and your spirit!! praying you keep getting stronger and stronger ❤️🙌.”

Rosner starred in Hallmark’s “Love on Harbor Island” opposite Morgan Kohan, “Romance to the Rescue” opposite Andrea Brooks and Nathan Witte, and “Yes, I Do” opposite Jessica Lowndes and Jen Lilley. His newest movie, “The Love Club: Nicole’s Pen Pal” opposite Brittany Bristow premieres on Hallmark in March.

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More Heavy on Hallmark News

A Hallmark star underwent a surgery so risk that the surgeon said they weren't going to attempt it again.